Voxer look-a-like-wanna-be and hey copyright infringement on the Singfit prime app??? Flush it. Why keep reinventing the wheel when your reinventing something more akin to that of a predecessor..? Everyone seeing this has iOS? Right? Open your messages. Open any message. See the thingy on tha gosh dern text line all the way right from that camera thingy next to the text space ya type inta?? That little microphone??? The microphone in the gray circle???? Play around with it a lil shitfry. You might even have a bit of an ah-ha moment. My god. this is why we are in a serious stagnation of ideas and innovation world wide. Hell the Chinese even gave up and now they just make cheeeeeeap mass produced synthetic slightly different not-quite-drugs for us to insufflate or whatever you so choose to do, boof them, and such, all in the name of the New American Dream. You know. Numb yourself enough to forget that Rome is burning all around you. Do yourself a favor if you care at all about moving forward. Instead of calling yourself a progressive and voting for Bernie you mouth breathing softist. Socialism didnt work before and its supposed to work in a considerably weaker less disciplined more socially defunct country now, why? Hows any one of those countries doing? Wait its rhetorical, because they still pale in comparison no matter how long we give them to catch up and thats supposing we just sit on our thumb and tickle our prostate a while longer. Start actually caring. Free Domain Radio. #dicksnatchers#penisnabbers
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